We drive business growth
that makes people's
lives better

Think Global is a growth advisory firm that develops custom go-to-market strategies to helpcompanies narrowly focus their brand, connect stakeholders and accelerate growth.Over the past decade, we have built an approach called “Human-Centered BusinessTransformation,” which allows the capacity for growth for institutions, experiences, products,and services that positively impact brands and the lives of the people they serve.

Think Global’s Family of Brands

Think Global's family of brands is a management consulting firm specializing in helpingentrepreneurs scale and
grow. Our approach focuses on building people, processes, andsystems so they can do what they do best:
make things that solve real problems for real people.

Mentorship and Consulting - C-level roles and small HR

Departments can be lonely positions with limited professional growth. We provide a safe area to explore thoughts and ideas with strategic and deliberate growth for the organization in the front view. Your HR Department will have seasoned professionals available to help them break down laws, learn best practices, and approach different issues and personnel.

Mentorship and Consulting - C-level roles and small HR
Compensation Philosophy

Not all compensation philosophies are the perfect fit. We can explore compensation structures that will keep your company competitive with the market and compliant with applicable state and federal law.

Mentorship and Consulting - C-level roles and small HR
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What is it like working with Think Global?

Lisa TG

Steve and his group put new energy and enthusiasm back into my company. He helped me reignite my passion that got me to the place I am now.

Renee TG

Working with Think Global has been an answer to the prayer I didn’t fully know I had. I knew something was off with my business, but I couldn’t see or fix it on my own. I have truly felt their presence and support with me, step by step, as we work this plan.

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Streaming from our hearts . we talk the hard truth about
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