We’re a people-
driven HR that
works on your
behalf,for ,you
focus on what
matters most...



We’re here to help you build the best possible HR function for your
growing business.
Just as important, Human Resources is where all employees can seek
assistance, be heard,and find support when other avenues are bleak
and limited. We are about people. We are thecustomer service center
for every rank and kind of employee.


Compensation Philosophy – Not all compensation philosophies are the perfect fit. We can explore compensation structures that will keep your company competitive with the market and compliant with applicable state and federal law.

compensation philosophy

Onboarding - Nothing sets the tone for an employee's first day more than orientation. We develop onboarding procedures and packages that make onboarding efficient and swift.


Compliance - No one loves compliance more than HR. We perform in-depth audits to identify areas that need alignment with current/future regulations. In fact, processes and documentation are built around compliance to help mitigate as much risk and liability as possible.


Policies – Employees are more likely to succeed and adopt your company culture if clear expectations are clearly addressed, documented, and available. We can build company policies that will clearly explain what the company expects from the employee and what the employee can expect from the organization. All policies are carefully reviewed and evaluated to ensure applicable federal and state laws and employee rights are not unintentionally violated.

Process DevelopmentIm rovement

Process Development/Improvement - How will a company put its words into action, process documentation, and organize data for future audits or personnel actions? We evaluate current processes and make recommendations for improvements. If you don’t have processes yet, we can develop them using valuable input from your staff.

Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions - Conversations can sometimes be difficult and uncomfortable. We bring a compassionate, matter-of-fact approach when dealing with personnel issues from counseling to termination. Organizations with an HR Department will find sound counsel and guidance when developing responses to difficult employees or situations.


Documentation - HR strives for a mutual relationship between any organization and its personnel. This is achieved through documentation and agreements that protect the company from losing its confidential and proprietary information and express an individual's legal rights that the organization supports.

Mentorship and Consulting

Mentorship and Consulting - C-level roles and small HR Departments can be lonely positions with limited professional growth. We provide a safe area to explore thoughts and ideas with strategic and deliberate growth for the organization in the front view. Your HR Department will have seasoned professionals available to help them break down laws, learn best practices, and approach different issues and personnel.


Think Global's family of brands is a multi-domain, management consulting firm specializing in helping leaders scale and grow. Our approach focuses on building people, processes, and systems so they can do what they do best: make things that solve real problems for real people.


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